The clues all relate in some way to a secret word. The clues might relate indirectly to different aspects of the secret word, or even directly to the secret word itself. Anything is fair game - from homophones to having clues that are for individual syllables.
"Harlem adjacent institution" = Columbia. And was used as a clue for the secret word Coffee, since a lot of beans are grown in Colombia.
"Summer spot for kids, she's the number one of the ball" = Camp and Belle. Which was used as a clue for the secret word Soup. If you put Camp and Belle together it sounds like Campbell the brand of soup.
The game is inspired by the board game Decrypto where you give your team clues like this that are as obscure as possible while still being solvable for your team. I hope you enjoy playing. Feel free to send feedback, or submit your own puzzle.